Defeating Mindsets- How you’re holding yourself back!

I want to talk to you guys about defeating mindsets.

What do I mean by that?

This could be a victim mentality or pretty much any negative thoughts you have about yourself and the world around you.

Some of you may know, but a lot of you probably don’t know, that I have dyslexia.

I think pretty much everyone knows what dyslexia is but might not know that it affects more than just reading.

It’s also an auditory processing disorder.

So, it affects the processing of verbal communication and speaking.

I call it my 3-second buffer time while my brain processes what someone just said.

How this presented for me though, was delayed speech, I had a lisp until I was 6, and I couldn’t read until I was 8.

I didn’t realize until my late teens that I even had dyslexia, and that’s why I struggled with certain things so much.

But what I’ve never let it do is affect my mindset.

I’m the copywriter and social media director for Harper Ellis Hair Co.

And I write around 90 pieces of copy a month.

If I had been like, “Oh, I could never have a career like that because I have a learning disability.” I wouldn’t be where I am today.

When you allow those thoughts space in your brain. You’re cutting yourself down before someone else even has the opportunity to help build you up.

Does Aubrey sometimes read something I wrote and go, “Hey Autumn, this says form instead of from.” Yes, it happens on occasion.

However, I use tools to help me mitigate those struggles as much as possible.

So the next time, you say something to yourself like I can’t go to an event in my community alone because I’m too awkward, anxious, shy, or insecure.

I want you to stop and remind yourself that, you’re in control of your life based on your decisions, not your circumstances.

Then go out and get what you want.

Are you letting your thoughts control your life, or are you controlling your thoughts and taking positive action?

Never forget you have the power to change your life.